
INSER and COLGENES, present at the XXXIII National Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology FECOLSOG

On May 25, 26, and 27, FECOLSOG (Colombian Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecology) held in Medellin one of the most important events on this line of work in the country: the XXXIII National Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

INSER, as the leading fertility center in Colombia, was present with the participation of our medical team and a stand that accompanied all the specialists who were present at the event.

During the Congress, different talks were held on advanced gynecology and obstetrics to prevent, diagnose, and treat prevalent diseases in women.

Additionally, a course called “Protecting fertility” was held, in which our medical director, Dr. Fidel Cano, was the moderator. Dr. Germán David Ospina, medical director of INSER Bogotá, was a speaker with his presentation: Environment and its impact on human fertility.

It is important to say that, with this participation, INSER, together with COLGENES (specialists in reproductive genetics), seeks to generate meeting spaces that allow strengthening medical alliances for the well-being of patients diagnosed with infertility.



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